Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter Hair Chare

We have officially moved into the cold weather season! The season when hair sheds or becomes dry for many people.  Increased hair is shedding and dryness are signs that the condition of your hair and scalp is changing. If you do not make changes now, You will have a lot less hair in the Spring 2014.  Take a look outside at the trees leaves. You will notice that many have already began to change colors and fall to the ground. This is a natural process of change. Our hair also changes with the seasons. Other things such as hormones, age, diet,  genetics and poor styling methods can also affect our hair. Many of you have been affected by one or more of these things.

Now is the time to seek professional help to learn how to keep the hair on your head.   If you do not know how to care for your hair, seek a good caring stylist.  If you are shedding a lot of hair on a regular basis, this indicates that something is off on the inside of your body.  Perhaps stress, medication or some other condition.  Go to the doctor to make sure that your hormones are in balance or your health is okay.

If you work in an environment with people, one of the first things they will notice is your hair. Always take the time to take good  care of your  hair  by nourishing and protecting it. If you wear wigs, take the time to remove them because they can contribute to hair loss by not allowing oxygen to flow to the hair follicles. God  gave us hair for beauty and protection. 

I recommend that you use the Jojoba Growth Oil and the Aloe & Jojoba Leave-in conditioner to to moisturize and protect your hair against the winter cold air.   Many of our customers in the Chicagoland area know that when it comes to preventing breakage and dry hair, nothing comes close to our products. 
Avoid the use of poor quality ingredients that contain things like petroleum, mineral oil, silicones, synthetic fragrance, dyes and a host of other things that work to cause your follicles to miniaturize over the years. These bad ingredients will eventually make you bald! They have also been linked to cancer.
As a chemist I really care about manufacturing only the finest quality products because my customers are special to me and you deserve nothing less!