Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Natural Cosmetic Companies Sued For Mislabeling Products

 Cosmetic products are far less regulated than you might think, and now several popular hair and skin care companies are being sued over their use of the word "organic." While companies claim their products are more natural than that of their competitors, a watchdog group found many products don't have the required amount of organic ingredients, and some even contain potentially toxic chemicals.
The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) filed a class action lawsuit against 26 cosmetics companies for allegedly violating a California law that says products must contain at least 70% organic ingredients to use the term on packaging.
CEH decided to file the suit after its researchers performed tests on beauty items bought at several Bay Area stores including Target, Walgreens, and Whole Foods. Based on their ingredients lists, these "organic" products contained very few, or in some cases no ingredients considered organic. The group said in a press release:
Some of the "organic" labeled products contain ingredients linked to health concerns. For example, a "Kids Hair Softening System" made by the company "Organics by Africa's Best" contains BHA and cocamide DEA, chemicals that have been classified as cancer-causing by government agencies, triethanolamine, which has caused asthma in exposed workers, and parabens, chemicals that have disrupted hormones in laboratory tests. The package, colorfully decorated with images of young girls, warns: "Keep away from eyes. Can cause blindness…Serious injury can result…if ingested…" and "Keep out of reach of children."
CEH has compiled a list of all 26 brands named in the suit and an example of one of the allegedly mislabeled items, though there are many more. If you've bought any so called natural beauty product in the past few years, there's a good chance items made by these companies are in your home.
  •  Namasté Laboratories: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Pak
  • Kinky-Curly Hair Care: Kinky-Curly Spiral Spritz
  • Curls, LLC: Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream Organic Shampoo
  • Shea Moisture, Sundial Brands/ Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Moisture  Shampoo
  • Nubian Heritage Group/Sundial Group LLC: Coconut & Papaya with Vanilla Bean  Body Wash
  • Advantage Research Laboratories, Inc./Murray's Worldwide, Inc.: Parnevu T-Tree No Lye  Relaxer
  •  Strength of Nature Global, LLC: Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Hair Conditioning Treatment
  • Colomer U.S.A.: Crème of Nature Kiwi & Citrus Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo
  •  Aubrey Organics, Inc: Collagen & Almond Enriching Moisturizing Lotion
  • Beauty Without Cruelty/Lotus Brands, Inc: Organic Aromatherapy Facial Cleanser
  • Boots Retail USA Inc: Boots Amazon Forest Brazil Nut & Vanilla Body Wash
  • California Inside & Out, Inc: Out of Africa Handwash Tea Tree with Essential Oil
  • Cosway Company, Inc/Head Organics Company: Clearly Head Conditioner
  • derma e® Natural Bodycare/Stearns Products, Inc: Psorzema Body Wash
  • Hain Celestial Group: Jason Thin-to-Thick Conditioner and Baby Avalon Organics Silky  Baby Powder
  • House of Cheatham, Inc: Organics by Africa's Best Hair Mayonnaise
  • International Trade Routes of New York, Inc/Laboratorios Phergal: Naturtint Green Technologies Kiss My Face Corporation: Hold Up Styling Mousse
  • Lafe's Natural BodyCare/Lafe T. Larson, Inc: Deodorant Stone With Holder
  • Morrocco Method, Inc: Euro Organic Oil Simply Pure Hair & Scalp Therapy
  • Nature's Baby Products, Inc: Nature's Baby ORGANICS Shampoo & Body Wash in Vanilla-Tangerine Scent or Lavender-Chamomile Scent
  • Nutrition Resource, Inc. dba NutriBiotic: NutriBiotic Everyday Clean Conditioner Botanical Blend
  • Rainbow Research Corporation: Rainbow Baby Oh Baby Unscented Organic Herbal Shampoo
  • Renpure, L.L.C: Renpure Organics I Love My Hair! Body and Shine Shampoo
  • The Himalaya Drug Company: Organique by Himalaya Toothpaste
  • Todd Christopher International, Inc/Vogue International: Hydrating Teatree Mint Conditioner
  • Cosway Company, Inc/Head Organics Company: Clearly Head Conditioner
If these claims are proven to be true, these brands are going to have plenty of upset customers.   Consumers need to investigate the brands and the products that they are using.  Always go with a trusted manufacturer that you know something about.  Manufacturers need to be concerned with more than just profits.  Consumers also deserve truth in labeling.  When we read the packaging on bottles or jars the ingredients should be there and they should be safe!

Georgia The Chemist


Hello Ladies and Gents,

I hope all is well with your health and your hair.  I know that it has been a minute since I updated my blog.  I have been busy in the laboratory making hair and skin care products.   I am super passionate about beautiful skin and healthy, growing, strong hair.  I hope that you all have been taking good care of yours.  Remember that it is very important  to cover your hair during theses winter months.  Don't forget to use your jojoba oil on a regular basis to guarantee lovely tresses this spring.
Ashley Lauren will have a new skin cream available this year for (Melasma) Dark Spots on the face. 
Stay tuned:
Yours truly,
Georgia The Chemist